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National Historic Preservation Act

USACE Planning activities take into account the National Historic Preservation Act, especially Section 106

  • Guidance

  • Insight into elevating: Elevating Historic Buildings for Flood Resilience
      Developed by the USACE Technical Center of Expertise for the Preservation of Historic Buildings and Structures, this guide provides visual examples of elevated historic buildings in flood prone areas, considering 4-foot and 10-foot elevations visualizing different ideas, concepts, and appropriate materials for elevating based on architectural style.

  • Economic Guidance Memorandum 23-02: Cost Sharing for Territories and Tribal Nations
      This EGM provides the updated cost share waiver amount for U.S. Territories and Tribal Nations for FY2023.

  • National Register of Historical Places, State Historical Preservation Offices (SHPO)
      The Corps coordinates with the SHPO offices to ensure proper care in identifying and considering historical sites. These offices place a role in surveying, evaluating, and nominating significant buildings, sites, structures, districts, and objects to the National Register.

  • NEPA and NHPA: A Handbook for Integrating NEPA and Section 106
      CEQ and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) provide advice to Federal agencies, applicants, project sponsors, and consultants on how to take advantage of existing regulatory provisions to align the NEPA process and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 review process.

  • Section 106 and Environmental Impact Statement Flow Chart
      This flow chart provides updated citations and definitions for the integration of NEPA and Section 106 reviews as a supplement to NEPA and NHPA: A Handbook for Integrating NEPA and Section 106.

  • Training
    • Cultural Resources Laws and Regulations
      Overview of the National Historic Preservation Act and other cultural resources laws, regulations and guidance important for Corps Planning from the 2012 Environmental Considerations in Planning Corps training course.

  • Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) Grants
      Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO) are designated and through annual grant funding programs assist Indian tribes in preserving their historic properties and cultural traditions. The Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) provides annually appropriated funding to Tribes that have signed agreements designating them as having an approved THPO to protect and conserve important Tribal cultural and historic assets and sites.

  • Tribal Historic Preservation Program
      The National Historic Preservation Program works with Indian tribes, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and national organizations, to preserve and protect resources and traditions that are of importance to Native Americans by strengthening their capabilities for operating sustainable preservation programs.


  • Cultural Resources Compliance Activities (2 May)
    This webinar, presented by Nancy J. Brighton (Cultural Resources Sub CoP Lead and Deputy Federal Preservation Officer), provided an overview of Planning Bulletin 2018-01, with a focus on the timing of cultural resources compliance activities. The presentation walked through each of the bulletins decision points and product milestones, and discussed what cultural resources efforts should be done at each point.

  • Recent Environmental Streamlining and Risk-Informed Decision Making (One Federal Decision) (1 November)
    Ms. Lauren Diaz (HQ OWPR), with the support of the other environmental reviewers within the Office of Water Project Review (Mr. Mark Matusiak, Ms. Evie Haberer, Mr. Jeff Trulick, and Ms. Julie Alcon), provided an overview of recent initiatives focused on timely environmental compliance, including Executive Order 13807 on "One Federal Decision" and Section 1005 of WRRDA 2014. The webinar tied these initiatives together in the context of risk-informed decision making within the environmental discipline, so that environmental compliance can be conducted in a timely manner and fully integrated into a 3x3 compliant study.

  • Section 106, Cultural Resources and SMART Planning (20 August)
    Nancy Brighton, Supervisory Archaeologist and Chief of the Watershed Section in New York District, walked through the steps in the Section 106 process with the required information needed at each milestone under SMART Planning. The presentation will assist Cultural Resources Specialists with planning cultural resources activities at each phase, and assist planners in understanding the determination of "appropriate level of detail" throughout the progress of the study. Nancy's talking points are included in the PDF, if you missed the presentation. To view the talking points in Adobe Reader, right click on the comments icon in the top left of the slide and "Show Comments List" - this will make it easier to expand each slide's notes.